Origin Mountain Biking
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Stoke reel: Attracting destination mountain bikers

Becky Holmes
May, 2018
2 mins


This Spring, Tourism Whistler approached Origin to create a content piece that would raise awareness of mountain biking in Whistler with a new target audience, mountain bikers from the UK who travel to experience the sport in other countries.



The challenge was to get this audience thinking about Whistler as the best destination for a multi-day international mountain biking trip and to make it stand out as the superior choice among the many destinations that are closer to home.

To achieve this, Origin created a stoke reel that showcases the wide range of terrain and trails that set Whistler apart. The video leveraged the unique bike culture and off-bike amenities to support a riding experience that caters to beginners and experts alike, across the many sub-disciplines of mountain biking.



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